
WHBC takes the “Great Commission” seriously!

Willo-Hill’s strategy is to disciple and train committed believers in taking the Gospel to those in our neighborhoods and throughout the world.
The following are ways we are using to accomplish the “Great Commission.”

  • An active Missions Team that gives direction to the overall church missions program.
  • Financial support, care, and prayer for 30 missionaries and agencies.
  • An annual Missions Conference and regular speakers challenge Christians to leave their “comfort zones” and consider involvement in mission opportunities.
  • Short-term and summer trips on home and foreign fields.
  • Regular opportunities available through local agencies (City Mission, Faith Community Center, Shalom Lake Camp).
  • Women With A Mission – a monthly ladies missionary discipline fellowship.
  • Discipleship and training for those answering God’s call with a view to being sent out by Willo-Hill Baptist Church.

For information about missions, contact our Pastor.